Planet-centric by design
Talk 1 :: Adopting a planet-centric mindset
Speaker: Idun Aune
Being a designer in 2022 require us to take our influence and power in shaping the future more seriously, so we make sure what we bring to the world has a positive impact on people, society and planet. Idun will share her perspective on what the five foundations of a planet-centric mindset is and how frog is working on building mindset internally and with clients.
Talk 2 :: Designing for planet-friendly diets
Speakers: Bob van Oort and Hilde Dybendahl Johannessen
It turns out that eating in a more climate-friendly way is surprisingly easy. And yet most of us have it wrong. This talk, based on CICERO's research on climate friendly food, explains why our food choices matter, and shows how you can easily make impactful changes. The speakers will also share some reflections on the challenges of designing for climate-friendly diets
Talk 3 — Green nudging in online food retail: what works and why
Speaker: Nora Ytreberg
How can consumer behavior be nudged towards sustainability? In this talk, Nora Ytreberg will share scientific findings about the drivers of sustainable behavior, and what Green nudges have been proven to work. You'll also learn how online food retailers are doing this today.
About the speakers
Idun Aune is a lead designer at frog, working on building up planet centric design practice and culture in Norway and at frog globally. After working in the service design space for many years she integrated her passion for equity for people, society and planet into her design practice and is now helping organisations build a planet centric mindset in order to tackle the today’s greatest challenges.
Bob van Oort is a biologist and senior researcher at CICERO, the center for international climate research. He works across the natural and social sciences finding ways to make our food systems more sustainable. He leads the VOM research project on policy measures for a food system transition. In VOM, many different stakeholders within the food system and other research institutions collaborate to identify opportunities to increase plant based food production and consumption in Norway.
Hilde Dybdahl Johannessen a UX lead and design strategist at Oda. She previously worked with sustainable innovation for Storebrand, and has been involved in several sustainability initiatives at Oda, including the climate receipt.
Nora Ytreberg is pursuing a PhD in economics at CICERO, the climate research institute. Her research focuses on how consumers can be incentivized to buy and eat more climate friendly food, particularly through digital platforms.
A big thank you to all of IxDA Oslo's 27 sponsors, and to MESH Youngstorget, for helping us to create high-quality events that you can attend for free 🙏