Previous events
Test events
Designere og utviklere: Tips & Triks
Argh, Design og psykologi
Testevent draft
Shape your future self
Get your self a future!
Pillars of design
Book launch: The Materials of Service Design
AI & Design: Emerging methods
Design With Impact: Shaping society through responsible design – with Designit and Travers
Exclusive Screening at Vega: General Magic
New money: Designing digital central bank currencies
Design for a Complex World with frog, Halogen and DSB
Designing tools for great storytelling
Special Guest: Matt Jones
Beyond the screen: Designing for mixed reality
Why does design exist?
Hackathon for the climate
Building services around hardware - with reMarkable, Whee and No Isolation
Design & UX som politikkpåvirker
Planet-centric by design
Samling for designledere 2022
Design Systems at Oda
Design Systems Hour Nº 5 :: FINN
Design Systems Hour Nº 4 :: Gjensidige
Design Systems Hour Nº 3 :: Ruter
Design Systems at Husbanken
Husbankens designsystem
Design Systems Hour Nº 1 :: DNB
Co-designing — transformation in methods and tools
Design Systems Day 2020