AI & Design
— Emerging methods

AI & Design: Emerging methods

How will AI shape how designers work in the future? Which new, AI-augmented methods will emerge a year from now? How will generative AI reshape the practice of designing?

These are big questions. To start our conversation on AI × Design, we're bringing you two talks on how design and AI are working together, today.

UX research superpowers

With case studies from Aftenbladet and Bergens Tidende

Your UX research teams are spread thin. The the list of research projects is growing. You want to know what your users feel about your product, and whether their happiness is going up or down. But you don't have the time and resources to do it well. Or, maybe you do?

Marius Tendeland Horne and Magnus Vestøl Helgesen from Schibsted News Media explain how they used AI to distill signals from users into production decisions — faster and at scale.

Building to learn, not launch

Using strategic foresight, speculative design, and technical prototyping to explore AI and emerging interfaces

What good can we do with Generative AI, and how could it cause trouble?

Two years ago, Schibsted's Futures Lab began constructing prototypes to and scenarios to better understand how news, entertainment, and digital services are being changed by the new tech stack.

Their work spans virtual avatars, automated news summarisation, conversational interfaces, automated AI agents, and more.

Chris Pearsell-Ross of Schibsted Futures Lab will explain how design fits with strategic foresight, present stories from a future interwoven with AI, and talk about why speculative prototypes — which are for learning, not launching — help chart a path in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) future.